An Inquiry into Sociability through Spatial Configuration of Urban Environment A Case Study of Haft-tir Square

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Environmental design, Faculty of environment, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


In today's urban environments, maintaining dynamism and engagement poses significant challenges, leading cities to become static and unresponsive. Designers have proposed various initiatives, with a particular focus on squares as pivotal components shaping social processes through human-environment interaction. This study aims to identify the role of urban spatial configuration in fostering sociability, social receptivity, and cohesion within the urban fabric, specifically examining how urban form influences social interaction and space dynamics. Squares typically serve as focal points due to their significance in facilitating social interactions. Therefore, this study zeroes in on Haft-tir Square in Tehran as a case study. Employing the Space Syntax method for analyzing spatial configuration, the study compares social receptivity levels between two urban design layouts. Findings reveal that even minor alterations aimed at enhancing pedestrian-friendly environments significantly optimize spatial organization, thereby strengthening social receptivity in urban squares. A comparison between the current state of Haft-tir Square and its proposed redesign highlights improvements in accessibility, crucial for fostering social interactions. Overall, this research underscores the importance of spatial arrangement and design in creating accessible spaces, enhancing transportation efficiency, mitigating traffic congestion, and promoting equal opportunities for social interactions within urban squares. Implementing physical strategies to pedestrianize urban areas plays a pivotal role in boosting the sociability index of urban spaces, particularly in revitalizing urban squares, which have gradually lost their significance in the urban landscape.


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