The Journal of Environmental Studies (JES) is a peer-reviewed Open Access journal that serves as a platform for scholars and researches to publish their original research related to several fields of environmental studies, such as environmental planning, management, education, engineering, design, pollution control natural resources, sustainability, ecology and reservation. This journal also publishes interdisciplinary works that relates other fields of sciences to the environmental issues.
The papers are published in Persian with and extended English abstract.
Journal Information
* Title: Journal of Environmental Studies
* Publisher: University of Tehran
* Place of Publication: Iran
* Start Year: 1974
* Frequency: Quarterly
* Type of Journal: Academic
* Articles Type: Research Article
* Journal Language: Persian (With English Abstract)
* Type of Access: Open Access
* Copyright: Authors retain unrestricted copyrights and publishing rights
*Type of Lisence: CC-BY
* COPE: This journal is following of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical laws.
* Peer Review Policy: Double anonymous peer review
* Maximum duration of initial evaluation: 10 Days
*Publication fees: The total publishing fee is 6.000.000 IRR. Keep in mind that payments are made through the online payment gateway.
*Plagiarism policy: in order to avoid plagiarism, before submission, authors should check their manuscripts with plagiarism detection software and submit their similarity report acquired from standard plagiarism checking websites along with their papers.
* Print ISSN: 1025-8620
* Online ISSN: 2345-6922
* E-mail:
Social Networks
LindedIn Academia Google Scholar ResearchGate
Pages 391-412
Ali Vejdani Nozar; Saeed Givehchi; Bahram Malekmohammadi
Pages 413-434
Hamzeh torkamanitombeki; Mashalah Khamehchiyan
Pages 435-455
Sepideh Behroozeh; Asadollah Khoorani; Hadi Eskandari Damaneh
Pages 457-475
Parisa Safardokkht bahar; Seyed Mohammad Shobeiri; Mahdieh Rezaei; Mohammad Reza Sarmadi
Pages 477-500
Bijan Haghi; Mehrdad Cheraghi; Soheil Sobhan Ardakani; Bahareh Lorestani; Maryam Kiani Sadr
Pages 501-518
Raziyeh Donyavi; Alireza Mikaeili Tabrizi; Abdolrasoul salmanmahini; Azadeh Karimi
Pages 519-538
hossein yeganehpouya; Tahmours Hasangholi Pouryasouri; Seyed Abolghasem Mira
Pages 539-561
Maryam Kanani; Azar Sheikhzeinoddin