

The main objective of this research was to evaluate environmental capability of Kobar Kahak catchment areas. A systemic planning approach using GIS for spatial data analysis was adopted to attain this objective. Ecological and socio-economic information were organized as spatial data (maps) in a database and imported to Idrisi and Arcflnfo.The process of geographic coordinates registration, building topology and editing the maps, were done in Arc/Info. Then in the analytic stage, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), was prepared using contour map in Idrisi. Based on the slope, aspect and elevation landform classes maps, were produced for overlaying. In the middle stage of the analysis, slope, elevation, aspect, hydrology, and vegetation type and density layers were overlayed in Arc/Info. Then environmental units attribute table was completed, considering other ecological and socio-economic data available in ArcView. Specific ecological models were adopted for the catchments area and using Structured Query Language (SQL), capability of each unit was evaluated and then mapped for allotted land use. In the last analytic stage, the priorities of suitable land use type were determined and mapped considering land use prerequisites, using SQL. Finally, compatible, incompatible and conditional land uses type were presented together with the institutional structure required for the management plan of catchment area.
