Pilot-scale removal of MTBE organic pollutant from water by using hydrodynamic cavitation method and comparing the effectiveness of this method in combination with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)

Document Type : Research Paper


Dept. of Water and Wastewater Engineering, Civil, Water and Environmental Faculty, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) due to having different physical and chemical properties compared to other fuel compounds and resistance to biodegradation has caused concerns about contaminating water sources, especially underground sources. With the aim of overcoming limitations related to the usual methods of removing MTBE organic pollutant from water and improving the removal efficiency, in this research, using the hydrodynamic cavitation (HC) method and combining it with the advanced oxidation method by adding hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizing agent (HC/H2O2) has been investigated. In this research, 3 plates with orifice diameters of 2, 3, and 4 mm were investigated as cavitation devices and the effect of their geometry, inlet pressure, pH, dissolved oxygen, inlet pollutant concentration, and the effect of adding H2O2 on the pollutant removal rate. The comparison and optimization of these parameters was done based on the maximum amount of pollutant removal and total organic carbon. The results show that the optimal removal for pollutant occurs at a cavitation number 0.13 and by 44% in hydrodynamic cavitation condition, and by adding H2O2 as a chemical oxidizer, the performance of the cavitation reactor especially in acidic conditions that are more favorable for the production of hydroxyl radicals up 88% is promoted. In addition, the initial level of dissolved oxygen affects the production of OH radical and the pollutant removal rate with this method. The comparison of the methods used in this study showed that the combination of methods will synergize their effects and, as a result, remove more of this pollutant from water.


Main Subjects

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