The Ability of Different Vegetative Forms to Carbon Sequestration in Plain Rangeland of Miankaleh



Carbon sequestration in soil and plant biomass is the most simple and economic way for Co2 decrease that is important in environment improvement. This research was done in Miankaleh region of Behshahr in Mazandaran for comparison of carbon sequestration in different plant types. Firstly, plant types were determined and dominant species was identified in each type. Number and size of plots was obtained by statistical and minimal area method in each type respectively. The organic carbon of above and below organs of dominant species was calculated by burning method in lab. The soil sampling was done for OC, EC, pH, texture, and bulk density with plant sampling. The total carbon sequestrated of plant organs in each plot and hectare was calculated by organic carbon conversion coefficient*plant biomass. Finaly, the data was analyzed by analysis of variance and mean comparison (Dunkan test) method. The significant difference between soil parameters under species canopy and out of there was determined by t-Test. The relation between plant cover and soil parameters was obtained by step by step regression in SPSS 16 Software. The results showed that carbon sequestration was different in different species and organs. It increased in species and organs with canopy cover and lignifying increase. Also, the soil and organs carbon sequestration was 20.8 ton/ha in Punica granatum more than Artemisia tschermieriana (10.75 ton/ha) and Hordeum vulgar (2.93 ton/ha). Increase in EC decreased carbon sequestration in Hordeum vulgar and Artemisia tschermieriana but had inverse effect in Punica granatum.
