Impact of Migration on the Sustainability of Residential Environments (Case Study: Neighborhood of “Kan” in Zone 5 of Tehran)



Most metropolitan’s neighbourhood like Tehran, traditional and cultural values of old neighbourhoods such as "Kan" that faced unbalanced demographic developments in the development path in Tehran, are far with the concept of neighbourhoods indices that represent this kind of human habitat, Caused the most important reasons They lack the social structure of homogeneous neighborhoods. Consequently, the present study aims is the effect of factors influencing in the unsustainability of contemporary urban neighbourhoods by looking particularly affected by immigration issues. Due to limitations of research, relation Immigration with this issues, Will be reflects the research question that is “whether migration has affected sustainability in "Kan" environmental? During this research, global theoretical studies were used to explain theoretical framework and with documents studies and employing questionnaires and using SPSS software to answer questions and prove the research hypotheses using Topsis methods were discussed.
Research results indicate the fact that migration took place due to low cost housing to “Kan” Was impressive to decrease quality residential environment, including the identity, dynamics and adaptation, carring capacity and etc.
