Urban Landfill Site Selection Using AHP and SAW in GIS Environment (Case Study: Kohkiluye-o-Boyer Ahmad Province, Iran)



Nowadays urban sanitary landfill compatible with environmental principles and in line with sustainable development is a necessity. In this paper for the purpose of determining appropriate sanitary landfill sites in Kohgilooye & Boyerahmad province, , many data layers were used including: slope, land cover, distance to main roads, distance to cities & villages, geology, surface water network, distance to faults, rainfall and elevation in a GIS based environment. Firstly, the maps for each of the used natural and human indicators were prepared. Then in order to integrate the layers, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and simple additive weighting (SAW) methods were applied. Weighting and computation of incompatibility Ratio of pair wise Comparisons tables in AHP method was carried out in Expert Choice Software. All indicators and their maps were classified separately according to acquisitive weight in each method. The areas of constraint for land filling of zero value derived from each map that contained such conditions and a single incorporated map or constraint layer was prepared. Afterwards, prepared maps according to acquisitive weights in both AHP and SAW were incorporated and multiplied with constraint layer in GIS. The output shows the appropriate sites for landfill in the province. It was concluded that the AHP method was more conservative than the SAW one.
