Studies on Halophytes of the Oil Field Areas, Sw. Iran: L Distribution and Floristic Composition


The extensive lowland of Khuzistan in SW.Iran, with halophytes
vegetation has been studied floristically . Brief information on the climate,
lithology and habitat of the area are presented . The hot desert of lowland
of the Persian Gulf area with complex floristic situation is described. Their
phytogeographical and taxonomic relationships are discussed in detail and
attempts are made to relate the distributional patterns to certain ecological
factors. 22.6% of species are Irano- Turanian & Saharo - Sindian ; 20%
Sah-Sin & Ir.-Tur . & Mediterranean; 13.6% cosmopolitan; 11.8% SaharoSindian;
7.9% Pluriregional; 6.8% Paleotropic; 5% Ir. Tur. & Medi.; 5%
Sah.-Sin. & Medi.; 3-8% Omni-Sindian and 3.5% Irano-Turanian. Further
aspects pointed out are the representation of life form of families and
genera and their enviroment