Environmental Capability Evaluation of Lavandville wildlife Sanctury


Wildlife sancturies (W.S.) according to IUCN classification need
less conservation, but more development plan.
Lavandville W.S.: (less than 1000 ha, NW of Iran) is located near
Caspian Sea and !is important as habitats for waterfowl and other
birds. Physical resources (sands and oyster shells) of L.W.S. are
exploited ; by local people. The area also provides outdoor
.recreational apportunities for the people.
By system analysis approach environmental resources of L.W.S was
surveyed, analysis integrated and mapped, environmental
capabilities of the area were evaluated for zoning purposes.
Accordingly, 2.68% of L.W.S is suitable for zone 1 (restricted
nature reserve), 57.63% for zone 2 (conservation zone) 35,93% for
extensive use (zone 3), 0/55% for intensive use (zone 4), 1.63% for
zone 5 (rehabilitation zone), and finally, 1.58% is suitable as buffer
zone (zone 8). The development plan of L.S.W, according to zoning
would protect its resources arid ease the management