Spatial variability of cadmium pollution around three Zinc- ore smelrers in north . east Belgium


This paper deals with the pollution by a heavy metal, cadmium (Cd), of
the topsoil over a relatively large area in the north-east of Belgium. It
consists of a typical environmental soil hazard originating from three
zinc-ore smelters, complicated by the uneven distribution of the
transporting medium, which is wind. The main goal of this paper is to
map cadmium concentration in the soils of the study area. The topsoil
Cd has a relatively high mean value, 3.86 mg Kg-I, and the data ranged
over more than 70 mg Kg-l . A regional trend was identified, which
showed a relationship between the Cd concentration and the distance
to the nearest factory. Additionally, an anisotropic variability found,
which was related to the dominant wind directions. To estimate the Cd
concentration, results of modelling and the regional trend were used.
The Cd concentration of this area is predicted to be almost everywhere
above the background value of 1 mg Kg
. Moreover, close to the
factories, large amounts of Cd can be expected. Finally, important areas
around the factories, with extensions towards the north-east, have an
enrichment of cadmium well beyond the limit of 5 mg Kg