Comparative survey of Macrofauna of Kolahy and Tiab Estuaries at Persian Gulf Coast


Survey of Macrobenthos of Kolahy and Tiab estuaries was carried out in 1996 - 1997. In
this research, 25 Macrobenthos genera in Tiab and 30 Macrobenthos genera in Kolahy
were identified. T-test showed there was no significant difference between
Macrobenthos population of both estuaries. The Z-test showed, that there were well
correlation between Macrobenthos populations and season in both estuaries. Maximum
population and density occured in summer and minimum in winter month, which is in
accord ance with climatic conditions and increases of migratory species of benth cater
bird populations. Polychaeta from worms in Tiab and crustacean in Kolahy were
dominan t. In both estuaries density of worms decreasing towards sea and in contrary
density of mulosca increasing. Macrobenthos Populations variations were seen in both
estuaries seasonally, which this variation was similar in both estuaries. Nereis from
polychaeta, Dosinia from Bivaivia and Pagurus from Crustacean were more than other
macrobenthos during our survey. Physical and chemical characte ristic of water of both
estuaries were the same as in the Persian Gulf water. Dissolved Oxygen in Kolahy was
7.07 and in Tiab 7.7 mgll. Salinity of Kolahy was 35 ppt and in Tiab 34 ppt. PH of both
estuaries were similar (7.8.)