In this research, in order to investigate risks land hazards involved in land use, overlay Method was employed, Check list Method was used to assess the environmental impacts, and to determine the adverse effects and relative priority of modifications, Matrix method was applied. The process includes understanding technical specifications of the proposed Projects and the environment under threat, identification and predication of permanent environmental impact due to project implementation (Water, air and noise pollution), analysis of these effects, recommendation for mitigation of adverse effects and presentation of environmental monitoring and management program. Results obtained from ecological capability assessment with the aid of application of overlay method to information layer in GIS software, represents a vulnerable Zone. Comparison of plants for (maps) ecological ability potentials of the area with that of special zone development clearly shows that, approximately 56% of developments are taking place in the semi-suitable zone and 44% are taking place in unsuitable zone. Investigation of the Results obtained for the Check list confirmed the potential assessment made on Vulnerability of the area. Then, results from Matrix Method in both global and local Zone show that more than 50% of data values were less than -3.1 and therefore, any Projects implementation may be rejected. Results of the Investigations shows that implementation of South Pars Project in the coastal Zone of Persian Gulf is essentially rejected since it develops destructive and non-compensatory effects in the Zone. However, it is impossible to stop the project implementation due to its importance in economic and industrial developments. Thus, in order to reduce the adverse effects on the environment and preserving the ecological structure of the Zone, modification plans and alternatives have been proposed. Finally, the assessment results were used to design a monitoring and management program for pollution control.
Torkianfar, F. , Jafari, H. R. and Sadeghpour, A. H. (2010). Endangerment Survey of Construction Activities
On Shore Line. Journal of Environmental Studies, 35(52), -.
Torkianfar, F. , , Jafari, H. R. , and Sadeghpour, A. H. . "Endangerment Survey of Construction Activities
On Shore Line", Journal of Environmental Studies, 35, 52, 2010, -.
Torkianfar, F., Jafari, H. R., Sadeghpour, A. H. (2010). 'Endangerment Survey of Construction Activities
On Shore Line', Journal of Environmental Studies, 35(52), pp. -.
F. Torkianfar , H. R. Jafari and A. H. Sadeghpour, "Endangerment Survey of Construction Activities
On Shore Line," Journal of Environmental Studies, 35 52 (2010): -,
Torkianfar, F., Jafari, H. R., Sadeghpour, A. H. Endangerment Survey of Construction Activities
On Shore Line. Journal of Environmental Studies, 2010; 35(52): -.