Sustainable Development in Environment for Iron and Steel Making in Iran By Fuzzy Logic



Sustainable development is very important especially in environment. In this paper, the value of sustainable development in environment of Iran for iron and steel making in comparison with global, determined by fuzzy logic and expressed by continuous value between zero and one. The following steps were taken in turn:
1- Obtaining the related data from internal resources.
2- Defining membership functions according to the data and the nature of features.
3- Calculating and determining the degree of sustainable development well-being for iron and steel making in Iran by fuzzy rules.The present study is an analytical study which was carried out in 2007 at Islamic Azad University Ayatollah Amoli branch. The data was obtained from 29 papers and 3 books. Unruly data were excluded from the study.Sustainable development in environment was discussed by six points of view. The first is soil and water pollution in agriculture, the second is air pollution, the third is forest, then is ecosystems, next is energy and the last is fresh water. The membership functions of that features were defined according to fuzzy conjunction and disjunction rules. Fuzzy conjunction and disjunction rules were selected because of the nature of features and the data. A few variables were indicated in this paper because of lack of data. The results indicate sustainable development in environment of Iran for Iron and steel production isn’t completely well-being at 2005 (The degree of well-being is 0).
