An Investigation on Important Pollutant Industrial Source of Soil, Water and Plant in Yazd Province



The effects of industrial textile water(Effluent Water,EW) on soil, water and plant was investigated in this research. For conducting this research major important textile factory were selected and sampling was done in 2 stages and in 2 years. In each district and the control field (soil not irrigation with effluent water) the soils from 0-30 cm depth and plants were sampled in three replicates. The soil samples were analysed for EC, SAR, texture, organic matter, cations, anions, and metals including: Cr, Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd on soil; pH, EC, BOD, COD, TSS, TDS, NO3-N, total hardness, total N, K, Cations, Anions, P, Organic Carbon and concentration of heavy metals Cr, Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd on well-water and EW and dry matter, Cl-, P, N, K and metals including: Cr, Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd on plant samples. The soil, plant, EW and well-water samples were analysed using standard laboratory methods.The EW pH, TDS, TSS,solfate,coloride, bicarbonate, N-NO3, salinity and concentration of Cu, Zn and Cd were above permissible limit. The well water pH, EC, TDS, solfate, coloride, and bicarbonate were above permissible limit. Concentration of Zn and Cd in soil were in critical range and soil samples had higher amounts of O.M, N and available P and K compare to control sample. Concentration of Zn and Cu in plants was over permissible limit and concentration of heavy metals in shoots and roots in plants were different. Results showed that industrial water have limitation for application of irrigation, surface water and subsurface water. Use of these waters causes pollution of environment and transferred poisonous compounds into the food chain.
