Estimation of pollution brunt caused by environmental pollutants influential water Sabzevar City



Nowadays, with population growth in urban areas, providing safe water and health is considered basic needs of human, alongside the various pollutants due to urban activities, agriculture and industrial areas on adjacent ranges into urban water resources around the environment is such that study necessary to prevent the pollution of water resources and identification of pollution sources shows. The purpose of this paper study identified water pollution sources in the confine of Sabzevar that are in the city water supply using data is available And methods for reducing pollution contamination of water sources must be examined. Results showed that nitrogen pollution load in the range studied in 2006, the 1725.9 tons. Therefore, agricultural pollutants due to the concentration of agricultural and garden lands in the surface of range studied and intensity of use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and animal fertilizers, with 68.6 percent are the highest role and pollutants of urban and rural areas respectively, with 29.9 percent and industrial pollutants 1.5 percent have been. Regarding to, complete network Sabzevar collected sewage, Isolation industrial sewages from urban wastewater infiltration separately with the muster network set up and refinery sewage in the industrial units, implementation Sabzevar development plan of sewage refinery, Plan recognition and status of groundwater conditions confine plan to complete underground water resources database and the use of urban wastewater in filtering in agriculture sector for urban and rural areas has been proposed.
