The Role of Political Economic in Spatial Structure of Tehran and Periphry



Structure and function of socio – economic systems present different spatial effects in different countries of the world. In this study, structure and function of social and economical systems is analyzed to identify of changes within urban spatial structure. In Tehran, effects of political and economic factor is analyzed for identification of changes of its spatial structure and its periphery in The past years .The most important criterion of rantier government is getting income from rant more than 42% while in Iran government income driven from The export of raw materials (including crude oil)has exceeded this figure. Therefore The nature of Iranian economy of oil – based and its related income. The spatial structure of Tehran metropolitan area is heavily affected by this rantier system, since 1970s. During 1970s, Tehran, politically and economically, transformed from an ordinary Asian capital to an international important city. In this condition, the Palavi regime intervened directly as its political centre. At this time, Tehran was become a complete pattern of a twofold structure. Also taking into consideration all the intermediate grades the city and urban was developed. This made the northern and southern parts in front of each other and created the growing social contracts.
