There was a lot of tendency for planting ever-green species to establish forest park in Tehran, in the 40th decade. So that there is no enough research sources to know how it is successful or not. Because of reducing air pollution and creating landscape, the results of this study will be important, and it provided some technical points by studying a recommender site that is Ghoochak Forest Park(Tehran north-east).To carry out this study, two direction of slopes was calculated manually(Western and Eastern slopes). Quantitative parameters including trunk condition, stand healthy and hummus depth; qualitative parameters like diameter and height of trees, number and volume per hectare were measured. Physicochemical characteristics of soil in research area (three samples) including acidity, texture, azotes, potassium, and absorbed phosphor were analyzed. The results showed that quantitative parameters and physicochemical characteristics of soil were not significant on two slopes. Acidity was increased to compare with example sample (Ph= 7.8 to 8).Desirable trees were more than 90 percent. Average of number per hectare in sample segment was 698 in east domain and 601 in west domain. As a comparative view between diameter and height in the two domains, there was more relation between them in west domain. From average number of items in hectare and average number of items in sample segment view, average number of items in hectare and average number of items in sample segment in east domain was more than west domain. West domain had more total growth (53. 23 m3/ha) in comparison with east domain (45.33 m3/ha). Adaptation of Eldar pine was better in west domain because of more humidity capacity in soil of it. Finally it was concluded that , based on all studies up to now and these results, it can be said that elder pine had been adaptation with arid and semi aria zones, weak soil in north- eastern part of Tehran. Therefore elder pine can be planted successfully on same sites as creating Urban Forest Park. Because of elder pine juicy missing in older time, there is a suggestion to mix it with adoptable deciduous species.