

babolsar city have 47927 people in 2005, and this city with that population was creating 714 t/garbage in every day. From the several different ayes to repulse of urban solid wastages, method of burial was the most important way municipal of city to have recommended since 30 years ago. The results of this research display that the previous sites for burial the garbage were much better than the new one. Because in this have been ignore many of criteria and principle of choosing Place. Therefore, that is predictable that damaging affects falling out in environment. In this study, using different criteria such as distance from the city, street network and airport, Land use, land suitability, rural & community settlements, urban infrastructure, mineral, density of population, trend and pattern of physical development, conditions of rainfall and Groundwater, wind aspect, fault lines, soils, elevation (Triangular Irregular Network or Tin), slops, geology and so on. These parameters in special models fuzzy logic are composed and selected the best place presentation in three alternatives. They are located in the northeast of Babolsar‎ city. Finally, Site suggests is shown in the maps.
