Rapid development of science and technology, regardless of environmental aspects, have caused some obstacles in mankind daily life.
In order to achieve sustinable devlopment, envirnmental constraints must be considered. Otherwise economic development will degrade environment. Considering these facts, sound development of human activities need to take the resource limitations and environmental constraints into account planning
According to the above mentioned idea, one of the appropriate action for taking into account the environmental constraints is the determination of ecological susceptibility of ecosystems, aiming to direct intensity of development into less-developed ecosystems.
In relation to these ideas, a methodology for determination of ecological susceptibility. of ecosystems is introduced, using system analysis approach.
According to this methodology, first a system diagram is designed by the involved ecological factors including slope, asect, elevation, vegetation, isotemperature and isopercipitation. The system is analysed by interaction matrix method in order to objectively calculate significance of these factors. Second mapping of ecological factors is undertaken. Spatial data of these ecological factors are integrated by grid method.
Finally, according to Environmental Quality Index (EQI) formulate, an arbitrary index for determining ecological susceptibility of ecosystems is developed and mapped.