

Recreational planning is one of the important aspects in regional management network of any country. Overpopulation of the cities, settlement pattern changes, and the presence of a wide scope of environmental and social problems and also the higher proportion of recreational activities in peoples’ lives, are issues that necessitate the need for planning and programming of proper recreational schemes in urban and suburban areas. In the meantime, there is more demand for recreation and spending time in natural regions due to their scenic beauties and aesthetic and educational values, although these areas are more susceptible and sensitive in terms of their fragile environment. Determining the assimilative or carrying capacity of recreational areas (whether natural or man-made) will not only maintain their potential values, particularly in natural part, but it will also be an effective factor in providing an acceptable recreational experience for the visitors. This paper attempts to analyse and evaluate the carrying capacity of various recreational activities and types and their relative potentials. The existing standards cannot be useful as absolute scientific pattern in our country, however, a comparison of present data and their evaluation under different natural, economic, and social conditions of Iran can be an advantageous approach (strategy) for dynamic management of leisure and recreational resources. Many field observations have indicated that ignoring this, can endanger recreation center and the stability of the resources.
